Summer Fun and Safety: Keeping Your Kids Healthy All Season Long

Summer! A time for carefree days, sunshine, and making memories. But with the shift in routine and those long, lazy days, keeping kids healthy can sometimes take a backseat. Fear not, parents! Here are some tips from Dr. Mary Arasanmi, certified holistic wellness and nutrition practitioner, to ensure your little ones stay happy and healthy throughout the summer break.

Fueling for Fun: Keeping Kids Nourished

  • Beat the Heat with Hydration: Dehydration is a common summer woe, especially for active kids. Encourage frequent water breaks throughout the day, even if they don’t feel thirsty. Pack reusable water bottles and make staying hydrated fun with colorful ice cubes or flavored water (made with natural ingredients, of course!).
  • Fruits & Veggies on the Go: Busy schedules don’t have to mean sacrificing healthy choices. Pack pre-cut fruits and veggies for snacks, or whip up delicious smoothies that are both refreshing and nutritious.
  • Popsicle Power-Up: Who says popsicles can’t be healthy? Freeze homemade treats made with fruits, yogurt, or even nut butter (for older kids) to satisfy sweet tooths without the sugar overload.
  • Limit Sugary Drinks: Sugary sodas and juices are tempting thirst quenchers, but they offer little to no nutritional value and can contribute to weight gain and cavities. Stick with water and homemade alternatives.

Sunshine & Safety: Making Memories the Healthy Way

  • Sun Safety is a Must: Sunburns are not only uncomfortable but also increase the risk of skin cancer later in life. Apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) generously and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. Don’t forget hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing for extended outdoor play.
  • Beat the Heat & Make Time for Indoor Fun: The midday sun can be brutal. Schedule outdoor activities for the cooler mornings and evenings. Embrace indoor fun with board games, arts and crafts projects, or educational movies. Local libraries often host free summer programs that are both enriching and keep kids cool.
  • Move It, Move It!: Physical activity is crucial for kids’ health and development. Encourage active play with bike rides, frisbee throwing, or backyard water games. Public pools and community centers often offer affordable swimming lessons, a fantastic way to stay cool and learn a valuable life skill.
  • Screen Time Balance: Summer break doesn’t have to mean endless screen time. Set limits on electronic devices and encourage alternative activities. Unplug and explore nature, build forts, or get creative with arts and crafts projects.

Bonus Tip: The Power of Routine

While summer is a time for relaxation, establishing some loose routines can be beneficial for kids. Set consistent sleep schedules, even if bedtimes shift slightly later than during the school year. Regular mealtimes also help maintain healthy eating habits and prevent excessive snacking.

By incorporating these simple tips, you can ensure your kids have a summer filled with fun, sunshine, and most importantly, good health!

Dr. Mary Arasanmi: Your Partner in Family Wellness

Looking for more personalized guidance on keeping your kids healthy this summer? I offer consultations where we can discuss your family’s specific needs and create a plan for a happy, healthy summer break.

Let’s make this summer one to remember for all the right reasons!

Dr. Mary Arasanmi

Certified Holistic Wellness and Nutrition Practitioner
(909) NEW-UNOW


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